Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pregnancy Smoothie

Thanks to Brad for the inspiration!

Several frozen strawberries
½ banana
Handful of fresh spinach
1 cup non-fat plain greek yogurt (Buy the brand that provides a full 24g protein per serving. Read the labels!)
1 Tbsp local honey
Orange Juice

Blend up and serve. It will be big! Extra-large smoothie for an extra-large belly.


Savannah said...

That sounds just like my diet breakfast smoothie. :) Except I use frozen spinach. I've not tried the honey, I'll have to use it next time.
I'm glad your smoothie helps grow your belly, and yet somehow my smoothie is helping shrink my belly.

Medifast Coupon said...

Great sounding smoothie and very good for both of you, thanks for the recipe to try.

Heide Mc.™ said...

Interesting twist using spinach in the smoothie.