Saturday, October 16, 2010

Buttermilk Caramel Syrup

Recipe and Photos Courtesy of Our Best Bites - The best cooking blog on the Planet!

Makes about 1 1/2 cups


3/4 c. buttermilk
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 stick real butter
2 Tbsp. corn syrup
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla


1. Combine buttermilk, sugar, butter, corn syrup, and baking soda in a soup-sized pot. It will boil over if you use a smaller one.

2. Bring ingredients to a boil and reduce heat to low (as long as it's still bubbling). Cook, stirring very frequently, for 8-9 minutes. When it's done, it should take on a luscious golden-brown color like this.
3. Remove from heat and add vanilla.

4. There will be foam on top. It tastes just as good, but it's not super pretty. If you're into aesthetics, you can skim it off; otherwise, just give it a good stir.

Keeps for 7-10 days in the fridge. Serve warmed or at room temperature.